By Mitch Berg. Remember the last Metro Transit strike? The left and media (pardon the redundancy) predicted Armageddon. The poor, deprived of buses and ? so the DFL and media (ptr) seemed to believe) ? too stupid to adapt, would starve in their public housing. ....I'm still waiting for my government funded unicorn. I put a stall in the garage after Mr. Hope and Change got elected, but?nothing. I was counting on that unicorn flatulence to supplement my natural gas usage. ...
Vom Landesvater zum Konzernlenker: Hessens ehemaliger Ministerpräsident Roland Koch (CDU) wird neuer Chef des zweitgrößten deutschen Baukonzerns Bilfinger Berger. Der 52-Jährige wird zum 1. März 2011 Vorstandsmitglied und übernimmt zum 1. Juli 2011 den Vorstandsvorsitz. Das entschied der. ... Ägypten ab 452,- Euro ? Last Minute bei Reisen. 1 Woche All-inclusive-Urlaub im 4*-Hotel mit Flug. zur Reise ...
Unit 2D at 1062 Bergen Street (bet. Nostrand and Rogers), a 2 BR / 4.5 room / 433 sq. ft. condominium, sold for $300000 at 4/23/10. The owner purchased the unit back on 10/30/2002 for $104000. She sold her unit for nearly 3 times her ... I' m certain their return on investment was smaller than they projected. In Crown Heights South? Coop Building at 1702 Carroll Street - I'm finding that this real estate market is either causing great brokers to rise or ...